
SOUL 3.0: Catalogue Video Tutorial Click here

Cataloguing is the most importanat module of the LMS from the point of view of retrieval of information.In soul 3.0 biblliographic details such as Title,Author,Publisher,Edition,ISBN etc are able to enter in marc21 format. Once this information saved record is generated.It is also compliant to international starndards such as AACR-2,Marcxml.Records can be added using online copy cataloguing.

Using Catalogue module user can add bibliographic and authority records in the library catalog, the database of books, serials, sound recordings, moving images, cartographic materials, computer files, CD/DVDs,e-resources etc. that are owned by a library.

Functionalities of Catalogue Module:

  • 1. Cataloguing
    • Title in Progress
    • Data Operation

  • 2. Import/Export
    • Import from MARC
    • Export to MARC
    • CCF to MARC
    • Export to MARC
    • Add Accession No. To Imported Data

  • 3. User Services
    • Current Awareness
    • Bibliographic Service

  • 4. Reports
    • Basic
    • Advanced
    • Spine LAble
    • Book Card
    • Catalogue Card
  • Import/export function is used to directly import or export bibliographic details in marc, marcxml and ccf fromat directly from soul application .Using this module user can generate accesssion report,barcode generation,catalogue card,etc.